Tag: Issue 120

Working Class Day of Action

Call for better living and working conditions

At the beginning of August a number of communities across South Africa vented their anger at the growing sense that working class people are being abandoned by the government during the Covid 19 pandemic. This article first appeared on Elitsha.Protests around the country to mark the start of a national campaign by different organisations…

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Women’s Month: Memory over Forgetting and Gender based Violence

The system of cheap labour on the mines contributed to toxic masculinity and female dependence

The writer argues that the influx control and pass laws of apartheid legislation aimed at providing cheap labour on the mines for capitalist barons destroyed family life and deepened the patriarchal oppression of black women.As we have seen with the Black Lives Matter movement and the removal of colonial symbols globally

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John Nkadimeng and the Cuban Boy from the Cape

The young man from Salt River who joined Fidel’s revolutionary forces

The passing of struggle stalwart John Nkadimeng earlier this month, prompted the writer to reflect on his role in the return to his homeland of Salt River born Ronald Herboldt after some 40 years as a Cuban army officer.The life and times of John Nkadimeng who died and was laid to rest earlier this month, in its many iterations

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eKhanana residents are tilling for freedom

Looking for food sovereignty in the promised land

Residents of eKhenana, a land occupation in Cato Manor, Durban, have started planting vegetables. Food sovereignty and other forms of self-sufficiency, they say, will be achieved through tilling the soil and opening themselves up to new knowledge.The settlement was created in 2018. Many of its residents came from rented lodgings in a nearby area.

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Preserving Lovedale Press, a historical compass

The almost 200-year-old Eastern Cape publisher is facing closure, but a fundraising initiative that highlights its literary archive and importance as a cultural institution could save the press. This story was first published by New Frame. The legendary poet BW Vilakazi had the future in mind when he wrote: “To all the generations coming after/ Now gaze upon the valleys here at Lovedale.”

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Leading Ladies in the Media

Growth in number of black women in leadership positions in the media industry

Kiki Ntuli and Nwabisa Makunga join a legacy of trailblazing women in leading South African media.There has been a marked increase of black women in top positions in South Africa’s media industry but many still experience discrimination.This was revealed in the 2018 Glass Ceilings in South African Media study conducted by the South African National Editors Forum (SANEF) and Gender Links, with support from the Media Diversity and Development Agency (MDDA).

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My time at the Journalist

An insightful journey of discovery

In this short but powerful reflection, former student Linda Fekisi describes her stint with this online publication as a series of defining moments.My time at The Journalist (TJ) was like a series of defining moments. It was an insightful journey of discovery both as a journalist, a mentor and as an academic.When I joined TJ, I had an idea of my role as a journalist.

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Womxn’s Month: To celebrate or not to celebrate?

Marking the month with prayer and action

This UCT student reflects on the meaning of Women’s month for her in the context of the country’s history and current challenges. The writer explains that the term womxn in this article is inclusive of the LGBTI community and is conscious of the complexities regarding the coloniality of gender in postcolonial spaces. Additionally, the term is also inclusive of transgender individuals that challenge the dichotomies…

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