The Journalist is a groundbreaking media project providing history and context for key issues facing South African journalists.

World Press freedom day

African diplomats lobbied the world to secure a global day for press freedom

World Press freedom day

What is to be done to restore public trust in journalists and journalism?

World Press freedom day

Politics and media freedom

World press freedom day edition

Politics and Media Freedom

Politics and Media Freedom

Dr. Onkgopotse JJ Tabane Dr. Onkgopotse JJ Tabane argues that media and politics cannot be separated as both exist within the public sphere which should ideally afford all freedoms of expression. The Journalist publishes this commentary and excerpts from Tabane’s PhD...

The history of SA’s Media Freedom Day

The history of SA’s Media Freedom Day

Ongeziwe Babane and Phindile Xaba What came to be known as Black Wednesday – October 19, 1977 –  has left an indelible blemish on the history of the National Party’s (NP’s)  rule and its suppression of freedom of expression. On this bleak day, then apartheid state...

A gift to the world from African journalists

A gift to the world from African journalists

African journalists have given the profession World Press Freedom Day. Thirty years ago on 3 May 1991, they crafted and adopted the Windhoek Declaration on Press Freedom that remains the basis of this important day.

Art and the fight for freedom

Art and the fight for freedom

The events of 21 March 1960 in Sharpeville forced South Africa’s artists to create work that responded to the political moment. Many used their creativity to bolster the liberation movement.

About Us

The Journalist is a ground-breaking media project that provides history and context for key issues facing South African journalists. The Journalist is an independent, not for profit organisation working with the academic community and a range of credible online entities to make knowledge more accessible to the wider public. We don’t only tell you what happened. We help you understand why.

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Account name: The Journalist / Bank: Standard Bank
Branch Code: 026209 / Account number: 270320830


The Journalist is a non-profit organisation and relies on public funding.
Please consider donating to ensure more issues in the future:

Account name: The Journalist
Bank:  Standard Bank
Branch and Code: Kromboom / 026209
Account number: 270320830