[intro]Exciting news for book lovers: over the next few months, The Journalist will publish excerpts from Albie Sachs new book We, the People: Insights of an Activist Judge. The stalwart activist and former judge builds on South Africans’ renewed faith in the power of the Constitution and takes readers back to the broad-based popular foundations of the Constitution in the Freedom Charter. In this edition, we start with the first chapter ‘The Future of Multiculturalism in South Africa’, which picks up on Oliver Tambo’s original vision of a non-racial future and the Bill of Rights as a guarantee of equality, dignity and freedom for all.[/intro]
Download Chapter One here The Future of Multiculturalism in South Africa
Extracted from We, the People: Insights of an Activist Judge, by Albie Sachs, published in 2016 with Wits University Press: Johannesburg.
Available from all good bookstores and from www.witspress.co.za